13 dic 2014

12 dic 2014

Tablets and smartphones as Xmas presents


Read the article and speak for 3 minutes about the topic.
Are you or your children/relatives device addicts? Can you daydream? What would you do you if you couldn't access internet or technological devices for two days?

10 dic 2014

David Cameron on Benefits and EU Immigrants


Have a listen to Cameron's speech. Summarize the main ideas. What is the case like for EU immigrants in Spain? Are they entitled to social welfare benefits?

2 oct 2014

The Fleadh. Yearly Festival of Irish Music and Dance.


Watch the short videos and pretend you have been to the Fleadh (Gaelic word for Traditional Celtic Music and Dance Festival.) Write a postcard of 150 words to a friend back home telling him/her about your impressions of the Festival. Look up the words for the instruments http://www.fleadhcheoil.ie/competitions/ and write about the general atmosphere.

29 sept 2014

Welfare versus work.


Read the article and write down a list of at least ten topic-specific lexical items which you want to be able to use in the dialogue with your classmates. Is welfare an incentive or a disincentive to work. What is the Welfare System like in your country? Use the internet to find out about Social Welfare support in Spain and tell of cases in your family circle or in your circle of friends.

25 sept 2014

Maternity/Paternity Leave.

What golden opportunity does Ireland now have as regards Parental Leave? What are the statutory rights in Spain on this issue?

20 sept 2014

Addiction to Tablets (technological ones)


Read the text, jot down the main points and debate them with your classmates. How do you monitor your kids' use of technology? Do you snoop? Do you know of any severe cases of device addiction? What treatment/therapy is there available?

14 sept 2014

How to leave your job.


Read the article and summarize the advice orally to your classmate. Ask them about thir own experience of leaving jobs.

9 sept 2014

Co-ownership with siblings.

Read the article and decide whether co-ownership might be a good option to get onto the property ladder.

15 jun 2014

Successful working women.

Read the article and compare what three of these women do to reconcile working life and personal/family life.
Prepare an oral presentation, summarizing the main points dealt with.

16 may 2014

Job Perks


Make out a list of the perks mentioned and talk about what you think of them with your classmate. Make more suggestions
What Job perks do you know of in Spain?

11 may 2014

Euromaxxx Interesting Reports


23 abr 2014

Top American High Schools


Read the article and report back to your classmates about "ill-prepared graduates", and "how schools are evaluated".

2 abr 2014

Early Bird or Night Owl?

Read the article and position yourself on it by giving examples of people you know. Speak for 4 minutes on the topic, using the vocabulary and ideas expressed in the article.

31 mar 2014

11 mar 2014

The Guardian Videos


The do's and dont's of job hunting


Read this article and give a brief oral summary of it in class. Have a debate about whether the advice is good and make more suggestions. Talk of your own experience of job-hunting.

28 feb 2014

What to do if you hate your job.


9 feb 2014

Woody Allen Time Interview


Listen to the interview and summarize what it tells us about him.