21 nov 2011

Tracy Chapman - Domestic Violence. Behind the Wall.

Domestic Violence

Hi folks ! Here's a song about the predicament many women find themselves in when they can't pluck up the courage and "take their heart and run".http://youtu.be/XaMsu_mwIZs

9 nov 2011

Positive charge

Positive charge On the topic of self-help. Positive vs. negative thinking.

15 oct 2011

Learning languages

Hi folks!
As we were talking about what languages are taught in which countries and about English as the international language the other day in class I thought you might find this article from "The Irish Times" interesting, concerning foreign language teaching in Ireland. Click here: Learning languages.
See if you can answer the following questions:
1.What fraction of Irish people say they can speak a foreign language?
2. Is foreign language learning obligatory in the Irish educational system?
3. Does the National University of Ireland require a foreign language qualification for admission?
4. Why does the report mentioned state that language learning should be compulsory?
5. What does a "rounded" education refer to?
6. What is the disadvantage of reading in translation according to the journalist?
7. Do you agree with Sarah Smyth?
8. Is maths more important than languages?

5 feb 2011

songs for teaching

Hi everybody. I've just found this great website which is really useful for teaching and learning songs. In the Songs by Subject link you can find songs to teach concepts and vocabulary in Mathematics, Science, Music Appreciation, Nursery Rhymes, Pre-school etc. Have a look and see if it's of any use to you and start to sing your heart out! http://www.songsforteaching.com/numberscounting.htm

14 ene 2011

Queen's 2010 Christmas Speech

This is the speech we were listening to the other day in class. What does the Queen say about the role of sport ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7yhg4EIPlA. And here you have the full transcript to check and to improve your Reading Comprehension http://www.sim64.co.uk/queens-christmas-speech-2010.html.