18 dic 2009

Money Can't Buy You Love

Yesterday in the oral test everybody agreed that "Money can't buy you love" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY3B3s1Yu1s. Here you have the song of the same name by the Beatles. See if you can learn the lyrics to sing along with in class. Alternatively look for some songs with the theme of money on the net and we'll give them a try next class.

Money idioms

Hi you guys ! Since we have been working on sayings about money, here you have a video class on money idioms which might be of interest. Remember not to splash out too much over Christmas and put some euros by for a rainy day !

11 dic 2009

Christmas pop songs

Here you have an Xmas pop song which was a big hit in my teenage years. Does it sound familiar ? It might do if your in your forties !! Or perhaps in those days it wasn't very common to hear the latest English language music.
You can have a look at the video here.
By the way, what is a "womble" anyway ?
Did Roy Wood have any other hits you know of ?
Here you have the lyrics of the song plus a punk version to dance to.
It might be hard to find out what a womble is but try this link .