Hi everybody and welcome to my EOI (Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas) blog.This blog is primarily for my Upper Intermediate B2 and Advanced C1 students to offer you extra materials to consolidate and improve your English language skills. Be sure to participate and make comments or suggestions of your own. Happy learning!
16 sept 2010
Back to work.
Hi everybody and greetings from Cadiz where I've just taken up my post for this year. Fondest regards to my ex-colleagues and students at the Algeciras Official Language School. Keep blogging!
19 mar 2010
4th Year Oral Exam Task
http://whattodoandseeindublin.wikispaces.com. Hi everybody. This is the link with instructions on the task you have to prepare for next week's oral class test which I explained to you yesterday. See you on Tuesday. Have a fun weekend!
17 mar 2010
Irish Set Dancing for St.Patrick's Day
Hi everybody. Here's the dance performance we were watching in class yesterday should you want to try out the steps. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
16 mar 2010
Songs about friendship
This is the song, You've got a friend, we were singing in class today. See if you can find any more songs on this theme worth singing and post a comment.
By the way, did you learn any new vocabulary or sayings in this song? Did you improve your pronunciation whilst singing it? Are you thinking of becoming a singer?
By the way, did you learn any new vocabulary or sayings in this song? Did you improve your pronunciation whilst singing it? Are you thinking of becoming a singer?
13 mar 2010
St. Patrick's Day Songs
Hi folks ! "I'll Tell me Ma". This is one of the songs we will be singing and dancing to in class this week to celebrate St. Patrick's Day (Patron Saint of Ireland) on the 17th of March, the Irish National holiday. Practise the steps and look out for versions with the lyrics so we can sing our heads off whilst dancing! Lyrics.
By the way, what French word do we sometimes use in English to denote a beautiful woman?
Here's another typical Dublin song, Molly Malone, we could have a go at singing too although I doubt if we'll reach the heights of Sínead O'Connor.
What did Molly Malone sell?
Here's a typical matchmaking song in Irish (Gaelic) from the famous traditional folk group, Clannad who sing in both English and Irish.
What instruments are they playing?
Who is their famous sister who used to sing with them when she was a little girl?
By the way, what French word do we sometimes use in English to denote a beautiful woman?
Here's another typical Dublin song, Molly Malone, we could have a go at singing too although I doubt if we'll reach the heights of Sínead O'Connor.
What did Molly Malone sell?
Here's a typical matchmaking song in Irish (Gaelic) from the famous traditional folk group, Clannad who sing in both English and Irish.
What instruments are they playing?
Who is their famous sister who used to sing with them when she was a little girl?
27 feb 2010
Home Schooling
Here is some food for thought concerning education. Read this article and write a summary of the reasons why more and more parents are opting for Home Schooling http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2007/feb/23/schools.uk3. Do you think parents are crazy or quite right to keep their children away from school? What is the situation like in Spain?
Schoolday Memories
The other day we were reminiscing about our schooldays. Some students had pleasant stories to tell whilst others had gruesome tales to tell. Is there still dark sarcasm in the classroom these days? Are pupils/teachers more or less respectful than in the past?
Have a listen to this song by Pink Floyd and spot the grammatical errors. Or do you think they are really errors or just poetic license?
Have a listen to this song by Pink Floyd and spot the grammatical errors. Or do you think they are really errors or just poetic license?
18 feb 2010
singing in the rain
What a rainy Winter we're having in sunny Cadiz this year. It feels like Ireland. Here's a link to the famous song http://http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkEvy-9yVyQ which we danced to and sang in class today. Did you learn any new vocabulary, pronunciation or dance steps?
11 feb 2010
Valentine's Day: Fools Rush In
Hi everybody. This is the link to the Elvis hit we sang in class today should you fancy wooing anybody over the weekend. Check your dictionaries or Wikipedia to find out what the other half of the famous saying "fools rush in...." is.
3 feb 2010
Phrasal verb video tutorial
Here is yet another link on the net dealing with phrasal verbs www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzVIxr_WwBQ. See if you get anything out of it. Could you understand the Indian (I think) speakers of English ?
"Bummed out" is a very colloquial American expression so be careful who you use it with when talking. You might come across as being vulgar and make the wrong impression.
For those of you who are having trouble with the link, go to anthonyhalderman.com, English Instructor 4 Phrasal Verbs where you will find a host of Grammar tutorials and other useful resources.
"Bummed out" is a very colloquial American expression so be careful who you use it with when talking. You might come across as being vulgar and make the wrong impression.
For those of you who are having trouble with the link, go to anthonyhalderman.com, English Instructor 4 Phrasal Verbs where you will find a host of Grammar tutorials and other useful resources.
30 ene 2010
wedding vows
In Thursday's class we were talking about marriage, weddings, wedding receptions etc. Try this link myweddingvows.com for tradional or non-traditional, religious/civil, interfaith, intercultural etc. wedding vows and see if you learn any new vocab. or conventional wedding language.You never know. One day you might end up getting married in English!
28 ene 2010
Scottish Dancing
Hi everybody. Here's the video lesson for the Highland fling which we practised in class with Matthew today.
1. What does the instructor say at the beginning ?
2.Learn the steps for our next performance in class next Tuesday.
P.S. Don't forget to keep breathing!
1. What does the instructor say at the beginning ?
2.Learn the steps for our next performance in class next Tuesday.
P.S. Don't forget to keep breathing!
23 ene 2010
Auld Lange Syne
The other day we didn't have an internet connection while our popular Scottish language assistant, Matthew, was in class so we couldn't sing this traditional Scottish New Year's eve song to him. Here's to Matt !
National Emergency Haiti/Donations to UNICEF
How can we help out with the Haitian national disaster? Go to http://www.unicef.org/ where you can find out about how you can help by giving donations etc. You can also listen to audio recordings of how victims are dealing with the disaster.
For further information have a read at this article from The Guardian and answer the following questions:
What are the dangers of Mass adoption?
What are the Dutch, French, Canadian and US governments' policies concerning adoption?
What is UNICEF'S priority?
What risks are involved with "babylifts"?
For further information have a read at this article from The Guardian and answer the following questions:
What are the dangers of Mass adoption?
What are the Dutch, French, Canadian and US governments' policies concerning adoption?
What is UNICEF'S priority?
What risks are involved with "babylifts"?
22 ene 2010
Losing weight
Hi folks ! What does the guy on the video say regarding losing weight. What three pieces of advice does he give ? What happened to his stomach ?
Web page to practise songs and English Grammar
Have a look at this web page to see if you can find your favourite songs in English with a grammatical approach.
Phrasal verbs
There are loads of links on the net dealing with phrasal verbs. Have a look at this one and see what you think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INafGKKotA4
Writing Exercise December
Here you have the Writing exercise you did in the Christmas test should you like to have a try at it again using dictionaries and phrasal verb lists etc.
20 ene 2010
Silly Job Interview
Yesterday in class we were talking about nerve-wracking job interviews and other challenges which we find daunting. This Monty Python sketch is a parody of the job interview situation and it even has subtitles in Portuguese should you be thinking of going to work in Portugal or Brazil..
17 ene 2010
Yoga Homework
Hi folks ! Some students and myself said we intended to do light physical exercise this year to get fit. Here's a lovely yoga video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7drLSbrHft0 to get warmed up.
Homework: Write down all the parts of the body that are mentioned and the instructions which you hear in the imperative. What animals are mentioned? After you have done this, do the exercises, repeating the instructions you hear aloud. You never know, we might all end up with fabulous looking tummies by losing our spare tyres or beer bellies!!
Homework: Write down all the parts of the body that are mentioned and the instructions which you hear in the imperative. What animals are mentioned? After you have done this, do the exercises, repeating the instructions you hear aloud. You never know, we might all end up with fabulous looking tummies by losing our spare tyres or beer bellies!!
15 ene 2010
Phrasal verbs
This link sends you to a very useful webpage on phrasal verbs with video classes on the topic. Have a look at it and make a point of increasing your store of phrasal verbs. Try to learn 5 new phrasal verbs per week and share them with another member of the class in the coffee break.
This link sends you to a very useful webpage on phrasal verbs with video classes on the topic. Have a look at it and make a point of increasing your store of phrasal verbs. Try to learn 5 new phrasal verbs per week and share them with another member of the class in the coffee break.
Giving up smoking
Hi everybody ! Several members of the class have resolved to kick the habit of smoking
this year. Here you have a funny video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cT-BQLX6nU by the Irish comedian, Dave Allen on his thoughts about the topic. Do you find it humorous?
Listening Comprehension Questions:
1. What is missing on his table?
2. Define a convert and a traitor in this context.
3.What does he say about his sense of smell?
4.What pressures are there on smokers in society according to Dave Allen?
5.What does he say about Americans and smoking?
6.What is a colloquial word for defecate?
7.Why did he start smoking originally?
8.What did cinemas used to look like before the introduction of non-smoking regulations?
9.What are withdrawal symptoms?
10.What does he say about fines for spitting, dogs fouling the street and smoking?
this year. Here you have a funny video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cT-BQLX6nU by the Irish comedian, Dave Allen on his thoughts about the topic. Do you find it humorous?
Listening Comprehension Questions:
1. What is missing on his table?
2. Define a convert and a traitor in this context.
3.What does he say about his sense of smell?
4.What pressures are there on smokers in society according to Dave Allen?
5.What does he say about Americans and smoking?
6.What is a colloquial word for defecate?
7.Why did he start smoking originally?
8.What did cinemas used to look like before the introduction of non-smoking regulations?
9.What are withdrawal symptoms?
10.What does he say about fines for spitting, dogs fouling the street and smoking?
5 ene 2010
Obama's New Year's Message

Hi folks ! Did you gather together with your family over Christmas ? Did you look back on the past year ? Are you hopeful ? Are there brighter days ahead ? Can you rise up and meet the new challenges of the coming year ?
Listening to politicians speaking on the net is a great way of improving your listening skills, your use of phrasal verbs, your vocab., your pronunciation etc. It even gives you an insight into the political culture of the countries whose language you are studying. Here's Barack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETm1s7B9ZxI with a hasty New Year hello.
Homework:Write out a transcription of this short speech.Don't forget to look up the spelling of new words in the dictionary! Try to learn the speech off by heart to deliver it in front of the class. See if you can imitate the pronunciation and intonation by recording it and listening back for corrections on your mobile phone.
Listening to politicians speaking on the net is a great way of improving your listening skills, your use of phrasal verbs, your vocab., your pronunciation etc. It even gives you an insight into the political culture of the countries whose language you are studying. Here's Barack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETm1s7B9ZxI with a hasty New Year hello.
Homework:Write out a transcription of this short speech.Don't forget to look up the spelling of new words in the dictionary! Try to learn the speech off by heart to deliver it in front of the class. See if you can imitate the pronunciation and intonation by recording it and listening back for corrections on your mobile phone.
New Year's Resolutions
Hi everybody ! How are your New Year's Resolutions going so far ? I've resolved to:
1. Be stricter with my students (Ha, ha!).
2. Be more punctual.
3. Give more homework.
4. Use my bike more.
5. Watch less rubbish programmes on TV.
6. Learn new recipes.
7. Take up yoga again.
8. Improve family relationships.
9. Dance more.
10. Stop breaking the speed limit.
What about you ? Have a look at this youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGt_4hRGUnQ with the 5 Key principles for achieving the goals you set yourself at the beginning of the New Year. Do you think they are of any use ?
Good luck !
Homework:Write down the list of Key Principles and send an email to a member of the class, telling him/her about your New Year's Resolutions (mention 3 at least) and give your opinion about the advice on the video.
1. Be stricter with my students (Ha, ha!).
2. Be more punctual.
3. Give more homework.
4. Use my bike more.
5. Watch less rubbish programmes on TV.
6. Learn new recipes.
7. Take up yoga again.
8. Improve family relationships.
9. Dance more.
10. Stop breaking the speed limit.
What about you ? Have a look at this youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGt_4hRGUnQ with the 5 Key principles for achieving the goals you set yourself at the beginning of the New Year. Do you think they are of any use ?
Good luck !
Homework:Write down the list of Key Principles and send an email to a member of the class, telling him/her about your New Year's Resolutions (mention 3 at least) and give your opinion about the advice on the video.
3 ene 2010
The Queen's Christmas Message 2009
Hi everybody ! This is the annual speech by HM (Her Majesty) the Queen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4ObGQLjfCo. See what you can understand of it and try to get an idea of the role of the Commonwealth. What does the Queen say about the less fortunate in our society?
Happy Christmas to one and all !
Happy Christmas to one and all !
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